Civic League By-Laws


It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings, to act as spokesman for the League and to appoint committees, among which committees shall be a NOMINATING COMMITTEE composed of three active members. The Nominating Committee shall report a list of nominees for the various offices and Board of Directors at least two weeks prior to the November meeting, and it shall be the duty of the Secretary to mail to each member a list of the nominees at least one week prior to said annual meeting. Additional nominations may be made from the floor prior to a vote on each office. In the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall act as such, and should neither be present, a temporary chairman shall be elected by the Board of Directors. The President may at his/her discretion authorize the Treasurer to spend up to $50.00 for unforeseen expenses. He/she may be authorized, with the consent of the Board of Directors, to spend up to $500.00 for items unforeseen in the budget. In the absence of the President, the Vice President shall act as such, and should neither be present, a temporary chairperson shall be elected by the board of directors. The President shall not have the authority to employ counsel with out express consent of the membership.


The Treasurer shall have charge of the funds of the League, depositing the same to the credit of the League in any bank designated by the Board of Directors, make all collections of annual dues or any other receipts credited to the League; pay all bills properly authorized by the President or Vice-President, file and preserve all vouchers and report the financial condition at the regular quarterly meetings of the Board of Directors, and at such special meetings as the Board might direct and to each annual meeting of the members of the League. The Treasurer shall present an annual budget at the November meeting detailing all expenditures for the coming year. The membership shall vote authorizing those up-coming expenditures. The Treasurer shall then be authorized to fund those authorized expenditures as necessary throughout the year. The Treasurer’s accounts shall be audited by a committee of the members at least once a year, and made at such time that the audit can be reported to the League at its annual November meeting. The bank signature card shall authorize either the Treasurer or the President to sign the League’s checks.


The Secretary shall keep a correct record of the Minutes of all meetings and attend to such other matters as may be designated by the President, the Board of Directors, or the By-Laws. In addition, the Secretary shall provide a written copy of the minutes of each meeting of their Board of Directors and General Membership within ten (10) days of each meeting.



The regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held quarterly at such time and place as may be designated by the president.



At the request of three members of the Board of Directors, the President shall call a special meeting of the Board. Special meetings may also be called at any time by the President.



The fiscal year of the League shall be from January l to the following December 31, inclusive. The membership shall meet semi-annually,in the spring and fall, at such time and place as may be designated by the Board for the transaction of such business as may properly come before the meeting. The November meeting shall be for the further purpose of electing the officers and directors of the League and receiving annual and other reports.



Special meetings of the League may be called by the President, or by four Directors, or by ten (l0) members upon written notice to the Secretary stating the object of the meeting. Notice of special meetings shall be by postcard, or other written form, to each member giving the time, place and object thereof at least one week prior to the date so appointed. The matter of business at such meeting shall be strictly limited to that so stated as the object in the notice.



A quorum for a special meeting of the League shall consist of the members present. A quorum for the November meeting of the League shall consist of at least four (4) Directors and fifteen (15) members of the membership in good standing.



The standing committees of this league shall be: Executive Programs and Arrangement Social and Recreation Safety and Neighborhood Watch Gardening, Landscaping, Improvement Membership The Executive Committee shall be comprised of the League’s elected officers and the Standing Committee Chairpersons. It shall advise the President, who will preside as Chairperson, and shall vote only in the event of a tie. The Program and Arrangement Committee shall select meeting places, make necessary arrangements and arrange programs of league meetings. The Social and Recreation Committee shall plan and promote recreational and other social events. The Safety and Neighborhood Watch Committee shall work with the Virginia Beach police to keep the neighborhood secure and to promote traffic safety. The Committee will consist of Block Captains, who will report to the Neighborhood Watch Coordinator/Chairperson. The Gardening, Landscaping and Improvement Committee shall coordinate the beautification and improvement of all land owned by the CivicLeague.The Membership Committee shall be composed of the Block Captains whose duties are to distribute notices and to contact new property owners regarding membership in the Civic League.

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