Here you’ll find a comprehensive list of useful resources and contacts for our community. Whether you’re a long-time resident or a newcomer, we know that sometimes finding the right information can be a challenge. That’s why we’ve put together this page to make it easy for you to access the information you need. From emergency services and government agencies to schools, utilities, and community organizations, our list of links and phone numbers has you covered. We hope you find this page helpful, and if you have any suggestions or additions to make, please let us know. Thank you for visiting, and we look forward to keeping our community connected and informed.


City of Virginia Beach

Virginia Beach City Website

City of Virginia Beach Telephone Directory: 311 (Landline)

(757)385-3111 (Cell phones or outside city limits)

Local Schools

Alanton Elementary School
Telephone: (757)648-2000

First Colonial High School
Telephone: (757)648-5300

Frank W. Cox High School
Telephone (757)648-5250

Greatneck Middle School

John B. Dye Elementary School
Telephone:(757) 648-2440

Lynnhaven Middle School
Telephone: (757) 648-4850