The City of Virginia Beach, in collaboration with the Alanton Civic League, completed a new pedestrian path into the neighborhood this Spring. The residents of Alanton, North Alanton, and Linkhorn Cove can now safely exit and enter our neighborhoods via a newly constructed path and crosswalk. Bikers, joggers, walkers, skateboarders, strollers and dog-walkers can all now safely cross at the new cross-walk. A special thank you to The City of Virginia Beach for their support and commitment to this project over the last two years.

Update: June, 2014
The City of Virginia Beach’s Landscaping Services planted rows upon rows of beautiful Carissa Hollys, as the last step in completing the path project. The addition of the Hollys not only beautified the area along the road, but made it safer by deterring kids from jumping the curb into traffic.
The residents of Alanton are grateful to the City for this perfect ending to such a successful project. THANK YOU!